My special thanks to this year’s Composite Team of OPLAN UNDAS for the wonderful job you did to ensure the safety and security of our Kailians visiting the grave of their departed loved ones. The extra time and effort plus the synergy you’ve put in were certainly worthwhile. It is a joy for me to work with such dedicated team coming from MDRRMO, MHO, PNP, BFP, POSO, cleanliness and orderliness team from TUPAD, and LGU-accredited force multipliers such as Mata ng Masa Task Force, United Kabalikat Civicom, Kabayan Action Group, and Survivalist Philippines.

With an amazing record of zero injury, zero traffic-related incident or mishaps, and even zero altercation or misunderstanding among cemetery-goers, you all certainly deserve a credit for this extraordinary accomplishment.

My thanks goes too to all our Kailians and visitors for the amazing cooperation and extra-ordinary discipline you’ve shown and afforded our enforcers. Indeed, we’re all the reason that made this year’s All Saints’ day a perfectly peaceful day.

Thank you so much everyone and please accept my sincere gratitude.

Mabuhay po kayong lahat! 💓







By admin

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