In a recent site visit filled with optimism and accomplishment, Mayor Alice personally inspected the now-completed 39.0 sq. m. perimeter fence at Cacabugaoan National High School (CNHS).

Joined by CNHS Assistant Principal Dr. Perden Limson, the visit was an opportunity for Mayor Alice to witness the positive transformation brought about by the recent infrastructure support project.

The perimeter fence, a long-awaited addition to the school’s facilities, now stands as a testament to the commitment of the local government under Mayor Alice’s leadership to create a secure and conducive learning environment for the students.

During the special gathering with teachers and students, Mayor Alice shared an inspiring message, saying, “This perimeter fence is more than just a physical structure; it symbolizes our dedication to creating a safe and nurturing space for our learners. It’s a visible reminder that our commitment to education goes beyond the classrooms.”

Dr. Limson, meanwhile, expressed his gratitude for the completion of the project. “The perimeter fence is a significant enhancement to the safety and security of our students and staff. We thank Mayor Alice for her unwavering support in making our school a better place for everyone.”

The site visit at Cacabugaoan National High School not only celebrated the completion of a vital infrastructure project but also reinforced Mayor Alice’s commitment to the betterment of education in the community.




By admin

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