In the serene town of San Nicolas, hope finds its course, Mayor Alice extends a hand, with kindness as her source. Through Brgy. Cacabugaoan’s lanes, six were catered true, And in San Roque’s paths, five more found the caring that they knew. With grace and quiet power, she visits each abode, Bearing gifts of aid and comfort, lightening every load. Crutches for the weary, canes for steps unsure, Walkers with wheels to guide, her compassion ever pure.

In San Roque, three souls hold steady with newfound strength in hand, In Cacabugaoan, three more embrace the courage to stand. Eleven hearts now lighter, eleven lives renewed, Through the touch of understanding, through a spirit kind and true.So let us extol the gesture, the empathy displayed, For in each small act of caring, an optimistic future is made. With Mayor Alice leading, with each life she has graced,

We march on forward, with love’s imprint embraced.


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