The difference between pleasing people and serving them has been the central theme in the opening day of the week during the Monday’s flag-raising ceremony at the Municipal ground.
Mayor Alice delivered the message as inspired by thoughts posted online by Councilor Raymond Prestoza over the weekend, to wit “We do not work or do things to please everyone, but as much as we wanted and we could, we will work to serve everyone.”

“Clearly, you can’t please everyone. It’s downright impossible. First of all, you can’t possibly please everyone all the time and, secondly, you can’t possibly offer everything that everyone would want all the time either. It’s simply impossible,” she underscored.
“As government officials and employees, we should not work to please everyone, but as much as we wanted and we could, we have to work to serve everyone…or else we will end up accomplishing far less than we are targeting and had hoped for, which is exhausting,” the mayor noted in an apparent potshot at the “feel-good factor” which is common among politicians.
“With the changes that we are doing, definitely, we could not please everyone. Why? Everyone has his/her opinion. If we do not want to be criticized then do nothing, say nothing, and just be nothing,” she adds, while stressing “So let us do what we think is best–accept both compliments and criticism because as the saying goes, it takes both sun and rain for a flower to grow.”
During the session, Councilor Raymond also gave his weekly legislative report, which is part of Team Pagbabago’s information-dissemination program as part of their public accountability to the people of San Nicolas.
Alicia L. Primicias – Enriquez