Citizens Charter Agriculture


    The Office of the Municipal Agriculture is an agency of the Philippine government responsible for the promotion of the Agriculture and Fisheries development and growth. In partnership with the Department of Agriculture provide benefits of development to the poor especially in the rural areas.


    To have a strong agriculture and fishery base towards sustainable food security and that every inhabitants of the municipality should have adequate access at all at affordable prices and above all to improve the socio economic way of life of the fisherfolks and farmers of the municipality.


    To help and empower the farming and fishing communities and the private sector to produce enough accessible and affordable food for every Filipino and a decent income for all.


    We, the staff of the Municipal Agriculture Office with the guidance of God Almighty do hereby pledge to: serve farmers and fisherfolk promptly, efficiently, courteously, justly with no impartiality from Mondays to Fridays starting 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM or earlier/beyond if necessary.



    The Municipal Agriculture Office personnel extend support to an electronic compilation of basic information on farmers, farm laborers, fishers, the database of the RSBSA includes profile and additional information of farmers, farm laborers and fishers as well as farm parcels and fishers.

    Office or Division:Municipal Agriculture Office
    Type of Transaction:Government to Citizen
    Who may avail:Farmers, Farm worker/laborer and Fisher folk
    1.Photo copy of Government issued Identification Card ( 1pc )Government Agencies
    2.2×2 Picture ( 1pc )Photo Shop
    3.Photo copy of land ownership document, certificate of being farm worker/laborer or fisherfolk ( 1pc per parcel )Land Registry Authority, Assessor’s Office, Barangay Hall
    Client StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
    1.Approach the Extension worker1. Refer the client to the person in-charge of the request/inquiryNone1 minuteAgricultural Technologist
    2.Undergo interview2. Interview client as to his possession of landNone5 minutesAgricultural Technologist
    3.Fill-up Forms3. Assist the farmer in the filling of formsNone5 minutesAgricultural Technologist

    The Municipal Agriculture Office personnel extend production support, intervention and     services for farmer clientele who are in needs regarding their farming activities on rice, corn, vegetables, high value commercial crops, fishery, poultry, organic agriculture and livestock production.

    Office or Division:Municipal Agriculture Office
    Type of Transaction:Government to Government, MAO Staff to Client
    Who may avail:Farmers/Fisher folks
    RSBSA StubMunicipal Agriculture Office
    Government issued IdentificationGovernment Agencies
    Client StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
    1.Sign in the logbook, attendance and do all things necessary documents.1.1Review the completeness of information  None        1 minute          Agricultural Technologist        
    1.2 Refer the client to the person in-charge of the request/inquiryNone1 minute  Agricultural Technologist
    2.Consult regarding available production support and interventions  2.Interview and orient client on the available production supports and interventions    None      10 minutes          Agricultural Technologist
    3.Signing of necessary documents needed for the release (Post masterlist and client satisfaction   feedback form)   3. Processing of  necessary documents and issuance of claim stub      None    2 minutesAgricultural Technologist
    3.Claiming of Production supports (i.e. Inbred rice, Hybrid rice, Corn seeds, vegetable seeds, planting materials, biologics, insecticides, pesticides, Fertilizer, Soil Ameliorants)4.Collect claim stub and Release Production supports (i.e. Inbred rice, Hybrid rice, Corn seeds, vegetable seeds, planting materials, biologics, insecticides, pesticides)None2 minutesAgricultural Technologist

    The Municipal Agriculture Office personnel extend technical expertise and advisory assistance on agricultural   services in farmer clientele who encounter problems regarding their farming activities which include rice, corn, vegetables, high value commercial crops production.

    Office or Division:Municipal Agriculture Office
    Type of Transaction:Government to Citizen
    Who may avail:Farmers and Fisher folk
    Seed Grower AccreditationBPI-NSQCS
    Client StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
    1.Assist client in filling up the logbook1.Assist client in filling up the logbook 1 minuteAgricultural Technologist
    2.Fill up application form for seeds certification and pays application fee2.1Check filled up forms, receive field inspection fee and issue temporary receipt200.00/ ha15 minutes  Adonis M. Bañaga Municipal Seed Inspector
     2.2Remit payment of seed producer at the National Seed Quality Control Services (NSQCS), Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan 3 daysAdonis  M. Bañaga Municipal Seed Inspector
    3.Accompany Municipal Seed Inspector to the farm3.Conduct first preliminary field inspection 15-20 days after transplanting 4 hoursAdonis M. Bañaga Municipal Seed Inspector
    4.Accompany Municipal Seed Inspector to the farm4.Conduct final field inspection 20 days before harvest (for approval or disapproval 4 hoursAdonis M. Bañaga Municipal Seed Inspector
    5.Harvest, thresh, dry and pack the seeds temporarily in a clean sacks5.Supervise seed producer Re: Harvesting, Threshing, Drying and packing 7 daysAdonis M. Bañaga Municipal Seed Inspector
    6.Assist Municipal Seed Inspector in seed sampling6.Conduct seed sampling 1 hourAdonis M. Bañaga Municipal Seed Inspector
    7.Pay laboratory analysis fee7.1Received payment and issue temporary receipt130.00/seed sample15 minutes  Adonis M. Bañaga Municipal Seed Inspector
     7.2Submit seed samples and remit payment of laboratory fee to the National Seed Quality Control Services (NSQCS) for analysis and certification 1 dayAdonis M. Bañaga Municipal Seed Inspector
     7.3Follow up by phone the result of seed analysis 5 minutes  Adonis M. Bañaga Municipal Seed Inspector
     7.4Notify Client on the result of the laboratory analysis 30 minutes  Adonis M. Bañaga Municipal Seed Inspector
    8.Pay the tags (if seed samples passed required standards)8.1Received payment and issue temporary receipt1.80/tag15 minutes  Adonis M. Bañaga Municipal Seed Inspector
     8.2Remit payment of tags and picks u tags at the National Seed Quality Control Services (NSQCS) 1 dayAdonis M. Bañaga Municipal Seed Inspector
    9.Seed Cleaning, Weighing, pack the seeds and clip the tag9.Assist client re; seed cleaning, weighing, packing and tagging 1 hoursAdonis M. Bañaga Municipal Seed Inspector


    The Municipal Agriculture Office personnel extend  infrastructure and  advisory assistance on  agricultural  infrastructure in irrigation systems( brass dam, communal irrigation system, turnout outlets, steel gates, diversion dams, small  water impounding projects, solar pump and wind mill pumps and others), farm to market roads, bridges, dryers, warehouses, sheds  and other services  for  rice, corn, vegetables, high value commercial crops, fishery, poultry, organic agriculture and livestock production.

    Office or Division:Municipal Agriculture Office
    Type of Transaction:Government to Citizen
    Who may avail:Farmers and Fisherfolk
    Government issued IdentificationGovernment Agencies
    SEC/CDA/DOLE/da AccreditationSEC/CDA/DOLE/DA Office
    Client StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
    1.Clients (IA / FA / FC) signs in the visitor’s logbookInterview the client organization/groupNone3 minutesAgricultural Technologist, MA
    2.Present problem/purpose of visitInterview the  officers/representative of the association/groupNone10 minutesMA/AT  
    3.Farmer will accompany the concerned  Agricultural Technologists (AT) and/or the Municipal Agriculturist for  ocular inspection and examinationConduct ocular inspectionsNonehourAgricultural Technologist, MA
    4.Client submit to the MA or AT the Letter of Intent, Certificate of Registration, and updated Certificate of Good Standing or Compliance Certificate of the IA/FA/FCMA verifies the submitted documents of IA/FA/FC.    None15 minutesMA/AT          
    5.Client receives the Application Form and pro-forma of the Board Resolution and Endorsement          AT/MA gives the application form and the pro-forma of the Board Resolution and Endorsement to the IA/FA.\/FC for them to accomplish.None    1 minuteMA/AT    
    6.When accomplished, the IA/FA/FC submits the duly accomplished Application Form, Board Resolution and Endorsement to the MA or ATMA/AT receives the duly accomplished Application Forms, Board Resolution and Endorsement   After proper validation, the MA signs the endorsement form   The AT prepares the transmittal slip. Submission of the completed document can be done by the MA or can be submitted by the IA/FA/FC directly to National government Agency ConcernNone3 minutes                     1 minute      MA/AT              
    7.The IA/FA/FC waits for the approval of their application. Approval is on first come, first serve basis and completeness of the submitted documents.National Government agency concern validates the submitted documents.None National Agencies
     If application is approved, the Regional Office of the Dept. of Agriculture thru National Government agency concern will send communication informing the MA and the IA/FA/FC President/Chairman the schedule of distribution.   The AT prepares the documents required for the release of requested farm projects   20 minsutesAgricultural Technologist, MA
    8.The IA/FA/FC prepares the required documents and submits it to the National Government Agency concern. (The IA/FA/FC President/Chairman or his representative is required)    



    The Municipal Agriculture Office personnel extend  animal treatment and prophylaxis for sick animals,  rabies, black leg, rabies, hemorrhagic septicemia, NCD, leptospirosis, influenza, parvovirus, distemper brucellosis vaccination   services  to the  farmer clientele who encounter problems on fishery, poultry and livestock production.

    Office or Division:Municipal Agriculture Office
    Type of Transaction:Government to Citizen
    Who may avail:Pet owners and Poultry and Livestock Raisers
    Client StepsAgency  ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
    1.Sign in the logbook, attendance and do all things necessary  documentsInterview and assist  the clientNone1 minutes  1. Barangay Council 2. Agricultural Technologists, MA
    2.Attend the briefing or orientation of the said activityBriefing or orient the clienteleNone10 minutesAgricultural Technologists, MA, OPVet
    3.Bring animal/s at the strategic  vaccination and deworming sitesVaccinate/ deworm / Treat the animalNone10 minutesAgricultural Technologisst, MA
    4.Accompany the concerned  Agricultural Technologists (AT) for  the smooth implementation of the activityConduct ocular, physical animal examination/ inspection re: health, nutrition, management and symptomsNone1 hourAgricultural Technologist, MA
    5.Assist in the treatment of animal/application of recommendationsTreat/vaccinate animal/supervise client in the application of recommendationNone45 minutesAgricultural Technologist, MA


    The Municipal Agriculture Office personnel extend agricultural support, intervention and     services for farmer clientele who are in needs regarding their farming activities on rice, corn, vegetables, high value commercial crops, fishery, poultry, organic agriculture and livestock production.

    Office or Division:Municipal Agriculture Office
    Type of Transaction:Government to Citizen
    Who may avail:Farmers and Fisherfolk
    Government issued IdentificationGovernment Agencies
    Client StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
    1.Sign in the logbook, attendance and do all things necessary  documentsAssist client in filling up the logbookNone1 minute  Agricultural Technologist, MA
    2.Present problem/purpose of visitInterview, validate, diagnose and analyze the situation presentedNone1-10 minutesAgricultural Technologist, MA
    3.Accompany the concerned  Agricultural Technologists (ATI) for  ocular inspection, validation and examinationConduct ocular inspection and managementNone1-3 hoursAgricultural Technologist, MA
    4.Receive recommendation/        prescriptionGive recommendation/ PrescriptionNone15 minutesAgricultural Technologist, MA