Citizens Charter Local Service Registry

The Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office is the depository of all records of vital acts and events that affect the civil status of individuals. These vital acts and events are birth, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages and such events that have something to do with an individual’s entrance and departure from life together with changes in civil status that may occur to a person during his/her lifetime.
Who may avail:Administrator of the hospital, clinic, or similar institution and attendant (hilots or traditional midwife) at birth, mother, father, guardian or any responsible person with the knowledge of the facts of birth.
Personal appearance of both parents.   Child born out of wedlock, the father must personally appear before the MCRO to affix his signature on the Affidavit of Acknowledgement/Admission of paternity at the back of the CLOB.   The mother of the child shall execute an affidavit to use father’s surname pursuant to R.A. 9255Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
Client StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
Sign-in in the visitor’s logbook  1 minuteMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Proceed to the registration officerCheck for completeness of the requirements. Interview the client.No fee to be collected except endorsement fee for PSA advance copy of COLB.5 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Review the entered data in all the items in the COLB for correctness.Encode the newly registered COLB and put a Registry Number for databaseNone10 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
 Signing of the documentNone5 minutesBernardo B. Fabro, Jr. Municipal Civil Registrar
Wait for the release of the document.Release the owner’s copy of the COLBNone3 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
TOTAL24 minutes (variables) 
The Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office is the depository of all records of vital acts and events that affect the civil status of individuals. These vital acts and events are birth, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages and such events that have something to do with an individual’s entrance and departure from life together with changes in civil status that may occur to a person during his/her lifetime.
Type of Transaction:2.) REGISTRATION OF DEATH
Who may avail:Physician who last attended the deceased or the administrator of the hospital or clinic where the person died to prepare the certificate of death. If not attended by medical personnel, the nearest relative who has knowledge of the death.
1. Personal appearance of informant, nearest relative of the deceased person.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
Client StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
Sign-in in the visitor’s logbook  1 minuteMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Proceed to the registration officerInterview the client for the preparation of a death certificate.No fee to be collected except burial permit – Ph150. 00 and Lot Rental at Ph100. 00 per sq. meter.5 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Review the entered data in all the items in the COLB for correctness.Encode the newly registered for database. When all entered data are correct, advised the client to proceed to MHO for his signature that he/she has knowledge of the cause of death and/or reviewed the cause of death of the person and then the client shall proceed to the funeral parlor for the signature of the embalmer and return back to MCRO.None10 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
 Check if all signatories have affixed their signatures in the death certificate and present the said document to the MCRO for his signature.None5 minutesBernardo  B. Fabro, Jr. Municipal Civil Registrar
Wait for the release of the document.Release the owner’s copy of the death certificate.None3 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
TOTAL24 minutes (variables) 


The Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office is the depository of all records of vital acts and events that affect the civil status of individuals. These vital acts and events are birth, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages and such events that have something to do with an individual’s entrance and departure from life together with changes in civil status that may occur to a person during his/her lifetime.

Four (4) copies of Certificate of Marriage properly filled-up.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
Client StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
Sign-in in the visitor’s logbook1 minuteMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Proceed to the registration officerCheck if all items in the Marriage Certificate are properly filled-up, solemnizing officer if authorized,  Marriage License, and signatures of the contracting parties, etc.None5 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
 Indicate a Registry Number in the upper right portion of the Marriage Certificate.None5 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
 The receiving MCRO personnel present the same to the Asst. Registration Officer and then to the Mun. Civil Registrar for their signatureNone5 minutes (variable)May N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Wait for the release of the document.Release the owner’s copy of the Death Certificate.None2 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
TOTAL  16 minutes (variables) 


A Marriage License shall be issued by the Local Civil Registrar of the municipality where either or both of the contracting parties habitually resides, except in marriage where no license is required. The license shall be valid in any part of the country for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of issue, and shall be deemed automatically cancelled at the expiration of said period.

Type of Transaction:Application for issuance of Marriage License
Who may avail:Any male or female of the age of eighteen years or upwards not under any impediments shall be issued Marriage License where either contracting party habitually resides, except in marriages where no license is required. 
1. Personal appearance of the contracting parties.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
Original birth certificate or baptismal certificates of the contracting parties or copies of such documents duly attested by the persons having custody of the original. If either of the contracting parties is unable to produce his birth or baptismal certificate or a certified copy of either because of the destruction or loss of the original, or if it is shown by an affidavit of such party or of any other person that such birth or baptismal certificate has not yet been received though the same has been required of the person having custody thereof at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the application, such party may furnish in lieu thereof his current residence certificate or an instrument drawn up and sworn to before the civil registrar concerned or any public official authorized to administer oaths.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
3.The presentation of the birth or baptismal certificate shall not be required if the parents of the contracting parties appear personally before the civil registrar concerned and swear to the correctness of the lawful age of such parties.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
If either of the contracting parties has been previously married, the applicant shall be required to furnish, instead of the birth or baptismal certificate, the death certificate of the deceased spouse or the judicial decree of the absolute divorce, or the judicial decree of annulment or declaration of nullity of his or her previous marriage. Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
In case either or both of the contracting parties, are between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one, a consent to their marriage of their father, mother, surviving parent or guardian, or persons having legal charge of them, in the order mentioned shall be obtained.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
Any contracting party between the age of twenty-one and twenty-five shall be obliged to seek parental advice upon the intended marriage. If it is unfavorable, the marriage license shall not be issued till after three months following the completion of the publication of the application thereof.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
In the case where parental consent or parental advice is needed, the parties concerned shall attach a certificate issued by proper authorities to the effect that the contracting parties have undergone marriage counseling.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
When either or both of the contracting parties are citizens of a foreign country, it shall be necessary for them before a marriage license could be obtained, to submit a certificate of legal capacity to contract marriage, issued by their respective diplomatic or consular    officials.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
The license shall be valid in any part of the Philippines for a period of one hundred twenty days from the date of issue, and shall be deemed automatically cancelled at the expiration of said period if the contracting parties have not made use of it.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
Client  StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
Sign-in in the visitor’s logbook1 minuteMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Proceed to the receiving staffCheck if all the requirements were complied with Interview the client.Ph310.00 CENOMAR Php500.00 Marriage License5 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Review the entered data in all the items in the application for a Marriage License.Receive the application form and inform the client that it will be released after the reglamentary period of 10 days posting.None10 days postingMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
The clients shall come back on the 11th day from posting for the release of the marriage license if there is no opposition to their intended marriage. Municipal Civil Registrar approves the issuance of the marriage license by affixing his signature to it. Release the marriage license.None2 minutes  May N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
TOTAL    8 minutes (variables) 


All vital events reported for registration after the reglementary period shall be deemed delayed and must undergo delayed registration procedures. In all cases of delayed registration, whether birth or death, the LCR shall post a notice of the application for delayed registration for 10 days. If after 10 days, no one opposes the registration, the LCR shall examine the documents and if convinced that the event has not been registered and is within his jurisdiction, he shall register the same. Whenever an opposition is filed against its registration, the LCR shall investigate and forward his findings and recommendations to the Office of the Civil Registrar General for appropriate action.

Type of Transaction:Delayed Registration of Birth.
Who may avail:Either parents of the child or guardian, or the child himself if above 18 years old.
if the person is less than 18 years old: 1. four copies of the COLB duly accomplished and signed by the proper parties; 2. accomplished Affidavit for delayed registration at the back of the COLB by the father, mother or guardian declaring therein, among other things the following: a. name of child; b. date and place of birth; c. name of the father if the child is illegitimate and has been acknowledged by him; d. if legitimate, the date and place of marriage of parents; and e. reason for not registering the birth within thirty days after the date of birth.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
Client StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
Sign-in in the visitor’s logbook  1 minuteMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Proceed to the registration officerCheck for completeness of the requirements. Interview the client.No fee to be collected5 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Review the entered data in all the items in the COLB for correctness.Encode the newly registered COLB for delayed registration and put a Registry Number for databaseNone May N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
 Posting for a period of 10 days and advice the client to comeback on the 11th day for the release of a copy of COLB if no opposition for his/her delayed registration.      None    10 days posting  Bernardo B. Fabro, Jr. Municipal Civil Registrar
Wait for the release of the document.Release the owner’s copy of the COLBNone3 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
TOTAL9 minutes (variables) 


All vital events reported for registration after the reglementary period shall be deemed delayed and must undergo delayed registration procedures. In all cases of delayed registration, whether birth or death, the LCR shall post a notice of the application for delayed registration for 10 days. If after 10 days, no one opposes the registration, the LCR shall examine the documents and if convinced that the event has not been registered and is within his jurisdiction he shall register the same. Whenever an opposition is filed against its registration, the LCR shall investigate and forward his findings and recommendations to the Office of the Civil Registrar General for appropriate action.

Type of Transaction:Delayed Registration of Birth.
Who may avail:Either parents of the child or guardian, or the child himself if above 18 years old.
In case the party seeking late registration of the birth of an illegitimate child is not the mother, the party shall, in addition to the foregoing facts, declare in a sworn statement the present whereabouts of the mother as follows:any two of the following documentary evidences which may show the name of the child, date and place of birth, and name of mother (and name of father, if the child has been acknowledged);PSA Negative COLB; baptismal certificate; school records (nursery, kindergarten, or preparatory); income tax returns of parent/s; insurance policy; medical records; and others, such as barangay captain’s certification a) affidavit of two disinterested persons who might have witnessed or known the birth of the child. b) if the person is eighteen years old or above, he/she shall apply for late registration of his/her birth and the requirements shall be: i. all the requirements for a child who is less than 18 years old; and ii. certificate of marriage, if married. If the registrant is out of the country, his/her duly authorized representative may execute the affidavit.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
Client StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
Sign-in in the visitor’s logbook  1 minuteMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Proceed to the registration officerCheck for completeness of the requirements. Interview the client.No fee to be collected except endorsement fee for PSA advance copy of COLB.5 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Review the entered data in all the items in the COLB for correctness.Encode the newly registered COLB for delayed registration and put a Registry Number for databaseNone5 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
 Posting for a period of 10 days and advise the client to comeback on the 11th day for the release of a copy of COLB if no opposition for his/her delayed registration.None10 days postingBernardo B. Fabro, Jr. Municipal Civil Registrar
Wait for the release of the document.Release the owner’s copy of the COLBNone2 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
TOTAL13 minutes (variables) 


All vital events reported for registration after the reglementary period shall be deemed delayed and must undergo delayed registration procedures. In all cases of delayed registration, whether birth or death, the LCR shall post a notice of the application for delayed registration for 10 days. If after 10 days, no one opposes the registration, the LCR shall examine the documents and if convinced that the event has not been registered and is within his jurisdiction, he shall register the same. Whenever an opposition is filed against its registration, the LCR shall investigate and forward his findings and recommendations to the Office of the Civil Registrar General for appropriate action.

Type of Transaction:Delayed Registration of Death
Who may avail:Any of the nearest relative of the deceased, or by any person having legal charge of the deceased when he was still alive.
No delayed report of death shall be accepted for registration unless the following procedures and requirements are observed and complied with by the concerned parties: a) Negative PSA copy of Death Certificate. b) four copies of Certificate of Death which must be accomplished correctly and completely. c) affidavit for delayed registration which shall be executed by the hospital/clinic administrator if the person died in a hospital, clinic or similar institution, or if the person died elsewhere, by the attendant at death. In default of the hospital/clinic administrator or attendant at death, the affidavit shall be executed by any of the nearest relative of the deceased, or by any person having legal charge of the deceased when he was still alive; d) the affidavit referred to in (b) shall state among other things, the name of the deceased, the facts of his death, the date and place of burial or cremation, and the circumstances why the death was not reported for registration within thirty days after death; e) authenticated copy of the certificate of burial, cremation or of other means of corpse disposal; and approval for registration by the health officer in the box provided in the Certificate of Death.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
Client StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
Sign-in in the visitor’s logbook  1 minuteMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Proceed to the registration officerCheck for completeness of the requirements. Interview the client.  No fee to be collected5 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Review the entered data in all the items in the Death Certificate for correctness.Encode the newly registered Death Certificate for delayed registration and put a Registry Number for databaseNone10 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
 Posting for a period of 10 days and advise the client to comeback on  the 11th day for the release of a copy of Death Certificate if no opposition for his/her delayed registration.None310 days postingBernardo B. Fabro, Jr. Municipal Civil Registrar
Wait for the release of the document.Release the owner’s copy of the COLBNone3 minutesMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
TOTAL19 minutes (variables) 


Legitimation is a remedy by means of which those who in fact were nor born in wedlock and should, therefore, be considered illegitimate. Only children conceived and born outside of wedlock of parents, who at the time of the conception of the former, were not disqualified by any impediment to marry each other, may be legitimated.

Type of Transaction:Legitimation
Who may avail:Husband and wife of the child born out of wedlock.
Personal appearance of husband and wife.Affidavit of Legitimation subscribed by a lawyer.Affidavit of Admission of Paternal (if not acknowledged by the father).Marriage Certificate of the parents.Birth Certificate of the child subject for legitimation.CEMAR (Certificate of Marriage of both parents)If the mother is a minor at the time of the birth of the child, she is required to submit a joint affidavit of legitimate.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
Client StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
Sign-in in the visitor’s logbook  1 minuteMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Proceed to the registration officerCheck for completeness of the requirements. Interview the client. 5 minutesBernardo B. Fabro, Jr. Municipal Civil Registrar
 Prepare the all the required documents including endorsement letter to the PSA signed by the MCR. 10 minutesBernardo B. Fabro, Jr. Municipal Civil Registrar
Wait for the release of owner’s copy of the documents as well as a copy for endorsement to PSA through LBC.Release the owner’s copy to the client.  Bernardo B. Fabro, Jr. Municipal Civil Registrar
TOTAL16 minutes (variables) 

9.PETITIONS UNDER R.A. 9048 AND R.A. 10172

Acts authorizing the Municipal Civil Registrar to correct typographical error and other erroneous entry, as well as change of first name, sex, and impossible year of birth in the registered Certificate of Live Birth.

Type of Transaction:PETITION
Who may avail:Document owner, either parents or his authorized
1.  PSA copy of Birth Certificate 2.  Marriage Certificate 3.  Baptismal Certificate 4.  Voter’s ID/COMELEC Registration/ Certification 5.  Employment record/certificate of employment 6.  Insurance 7.  GSIS/SSS records 8.  Medical records 9.  School Records/      Certification (Elementary   School) 10. Civil registry records of ascendants 11. Birth/death certificate of father and mother/valid ID’s. 12. Birth certificate of siblings. 13. Marriage certificate 14. Birth certificate of children 15. Business records 16. Driver’s license 17. Passport 18. Valid IDs 19. Cedula 20. Mandatory clearances for CFN (RA 10172) 21. Barangay Clearance 22. NBI Clearance 23. Certificate of Indigency 24. Affidavit of not employed/Certification of no pending administrative case issued by the employer. 25. Medical Certificate for correction of sexMunicipal Civil Registrar’s Office
Client StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
Sign-in in the visitor’s logbook  1 minuteMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Proceed to the registration officerCheck for completeness of the requirements. Interview the client. 5 minutesBernardo B. Fabro, Jr. Municipal Civil Registrar
 Inform the client to come back after 10 days of posting of the petition for correction erroneous entry under RA 9048; For RA 10172, the client will have to come back upon receipt of the copy of newspaper publication complete the reglamentary period of 2 consecutive weeks of publicationCorrection of Errors – Ph1,000.00 Change of FN/Gender/Date of birth – Ph3000. 00         Publication in the Newspaper- Php2500.0010 minutesBernardo B. Fabro, Jr. Municipal Civil Registrar
Copies of the petition will be released to the clientUpon approval of the Petition by the MCR, contact the client to receive the owner’s copy and another copy of the petition will be send to PSA by the client through LBC. The timeframe is dependent to the PSABernardo B. Fabro, Jr. Municipal Civil Registrar
Client to send the copy of the finality of the petition to the PSA through LBC.Once the petition is affirmed by the PSA and MCR received a copy, the MCR through the Asst. Civil Registration Officer will immediately prepare the finality of the petition signed by the MCR which will be endorsed back to PSA for annotation. More or less 3 months before PSA will issue an annotated copy of Certificate of Live Birth.Bernardo B. Fabro, Jr. Municipal Civil Registrar
TOTAL16 minutes (variables) 


 (Batch Request Entry System)

Batch Request Entry System is an off-line application containing the details of requests copies of birth, death, marriage and CENOMAR to be submitted to the PSA Serbilis outlet for processing. A solution to decongest long queue of requesting public securing SECPA from the PSA.

Type of Transaction:Request for a PSA Security Paper copy of civil registration documents.
Who may avail:Document owner or his authorized representative
Personal appearance of the document owner. In case of his representative, written authorization and ID of the document owner and ID of the representative.Municipal Civil Registrar’s Office
Client StepsAgency ActionFees To Be PaidProcessing TimePerson Responsible
Sign-in in the visitor’s logbook  1 minuteMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
Proceed to the registration officerIssue a PSA Form to be filled up. 5 minutesBernardo B. Fabro, Jr. Municipal Civil Registrar
 Inform the client to come back the following day if such document is ready for release.Birth Certificate- Ph255.00 Marriage Certificate- Ph255.00 Death Certificate- Ph255.00 CENOMAR- Ph310.00The timeframe is dependent to the PSABernardo B. Fabro, Jr. Municipal Civil Registrar
Wait for the release of the requested document from PSA.Release the requested document. 1 minuteMay N. Nastor/ Jeffrey A. Villanueva Administrative Aide I
TOTAL7 minutes (variables)