Issuance of Business Permit


StepsApplicant / ClientService Provider/ Office ActivityRequirementsDuration of Activity Under Normal CircumstancesPerson in charge
  1stFill up Unified FormsProvide the client with a short briefing on the service and requirements  New & Renewal Business Permit15 minutesMayflor R. Facundo    BPLO   Mary Ellen B. Punzalan             Administrative Aide I 
   Application & Verification of DocumentsVerify the completeness of the application form and its secured documents.* DTI/SEC Registration/CDA * Residence Certificate(CEDULA *Barangay Clearance * Sanitary Permit * Health Certificate * FSIC      
2ndPay  Issue official Receipt*Business Tax is based on Revenue Code Municipal Ordinance No. 59 *Mayor’s Permit-  is based on Revenue Code Municipal Ordinance No. 59 Regulatory Fees *Sanitary Inspection Fee / sq.m Based on Revenue Code *Garbage Charge- 50.00/month Market Site *Health Certificate -100.00/person *Signboard-52.00 *Business Clearance- based on Brgy. Resolution *Registration for New Business- 100.00 *Business Plate- 200.00 *Storage Fee- based on Revenue Code  *Occupational Fee- Based on Revenue Code *Weight & Measure- 60/12015 minutesPamila M. Fernandez Administrative Aide I    Lawrence Laurenciano Revenue Collection Clerk II   Reynaldo Fernandez Revenue Collector II
3rdClaimIssues Business Permit/ Business Plate and Barangay ClearanceOfficial Receipt (proof of payment)15 minutesMayflor R. Facundo BPLO   Mary Ellen B. Punzalan Administrative Aide I