Office Description Tourism

The Department/Office of Tourism, hereinafter referred     to as the      Department, shall be the primary planning, programming,      coordinating, implementing and regulatory government agency in the          development and promotion of the tourism industry, both domestic and          international, in coordination with attached agencies          and other    government instrumentalities. It shall instill in the Filipino the industry’s        fundamental importance in the generation of employment, investment         and foreign exchange


  • Promote tourism activities
  • Create leisure opportunities for residents through tourism activities
  • Formulate programs and projects for the development of the local community as tourist attractions
  • Develop innate talents related to cultural, sports and economic endeavors through presentation and competitions
  • Develop new products, assist in marketing and promoting of products
  • Develop potential areas for tourist attraction and destination
  • Assist the Municipal Tourism Council in formulating programs and implement recommendation
  • Develop local tourism destination and attractions tapping local resources and national funds
  • Create Tourism Development Plan
  • Formulation of Tourism Code with the Legislative Body
  • Assist Municipal Tourism Council in the formulation of tourism programs and Help promote San Nicolas through tourism activities